Totem chapter 69 out!

Here it is~

And here we have the very first chapter of Book 3: Ghost Totem Paradise! 🙂 Enjoy.

Also, here is an (important) announcement: I will be busy attending a seminar for two weeks starting Saturday, June 25, to Friday, July 8. I also have so much to prepare for and I’m pretty behind, so I’m kind of wondering how I’ll be able to get things done. In any case, no chapters in that period of time. At the same time, I’ll only be able to be back for a week at home before I’m gone for another three weeks at a seminar from June 17 to August 7. Right after that seminar, I’ll again be unable to post because I’ll be off on a trip for around a week and a half (August 9-18), and of course I also need to use time to pack in between and rest. School then starts on August 22, and so my summer is basically over. 😦 I wish I could’ve gotten more chapters for you guys, but this summer schedule of mine plus some other real life stuff is really stressing me out and making me busy. :/

Anyways, TL;DR:
No chapters during these periods: June 25-July 8, June 17-August 7, August 9-18.
School starts this day: August 22.

MER chapter 72 out!

Here it is~

Asdkflajskfsjdklfas I dropped my phone and the screen cracked, school parking and traffic sucks, and the majority of my professors are not very good. Dammit getting A’s are going to be hard this semesterrr aghhhhhh. Guess what that means? Bad news for you guys – less releases.