
This is a world of totems. Here, people believe that power is derived naturally from all of nature: fire, rock, slimes, wolves, the Twelve-Winged Golden-Eyed Dragon King, even going so far as saying that humans themselves… as long as they are naturally formed, can communicate with this power and summon it as their own “faith totem”. Jiang Nan, an anatomy professor on earth, the kind of unfortunate man who doesn’t even deserve to find a woman in his life, has come to this world.

Ranking System:
The way of totems consists of 3 stages of 3 ranks each which are further divided into 9 levels. The 1st stage, Totem Warrior phase, which is divided into primary-rank Totem Warrior, intermediate-rank Totem Warrior, and superior-rank Totem Warrior for a total of 3 ranks, with each rank consisting of 9 levels. The 2nd stage, Totem Master phase, which is divided into primary-rank Totem Master, intermediate-rank Totem Master, and superior-rank Totem Master for a total of 3 ranks, each consisting of 9 levels. The 3rd stage, Totem King phase, again divided into primary-rank, intermediate-rank, and superior-rank Totem King, each rank consisting of 9 levels.
(Ps: At present, I’ll use Wei Ke Duo as an example. The strength of his faith wolf is in the 1st stage, at the 9th level of a primary-rank Totem Warrior. Basically, it’s ‘Primary-rank 9th level Wolf Totem Warrior’. – author)

(3 Stages, 3 Ranks per stage, 9 Levels per Rank)
Totem Warrior
—Primary Rank
—Intermediate Rank
—Superior Rank
Totem Master
—Primary Rank
—Intermediate Rank
—Superior Rank
Totem King
—Primary Rank
—Intermediate Rank
—Superior Rank

Written by 油炸包子 (Deep-fried Stuffed Bun), this web novel is complete at 3 books that contain a total of 275 chapters.

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16 thoughts on “Totem

  1. Saying “The way of totems consists of 3 stages of 9 ranks of 81 levels.” means that there are three stages, each which contains 9 ranks, and each rank consist of 81 levels. I recommend writing something like

    “The way of totems consists of 3 stages of 3 ranks of 9 level, for a total of 3 stages, 9 ranks or 81 levels.”

    or just skipping that part almost completely and writing

    “The way of totems consist of the three stages of Totem Warrior, Totem Master and Totem King. Each stage is divided into primary- intermediate- and superior-rank, each of which consists of 9 levels.”.

    Hope it helps xDD


  2. Pingback: Reading List Part 2 of 3 | drealicious123

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